About Me

Portia Y. Jones - I am a mother of four wth a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a  Bachelor's of Science Early Childhood Education – Concentration Birth – Kindergarten. I enjoy working with children, and I look forward to an awesome year with your children.

About Me

Ms. Cynthia Jones- I have worked in the childcare field for over 10 years and have an  Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood EducationI.  My unique view gives me a real insight on children and their needs.


Welcome to Christian Prep Academy’s Leaping Frog classroom. I am Portia Y. Jones and my co-teacher Cynthia Jones, and we are delighted to be a part of your life this year, and to have you as a part of our preschool family! We’re excited to meet each and every new face in our class, and to build a lasting bond for the year.  Our class will be learning and exploring many different concepts and themes throughout this school year. We are so excited to begin this journey with you!


Reminder to parents: Each child will receive a daily sheet.

                                Please pick up your child’s materials from their mailbox located outside the door.


Your child will need the following supplies this year:

1. Fitted crib sheet

2. Weather appropriate change of clothes

3. Blanket